Vision & Mission – Philippine School of Business Administration, Manila

Vision & Mission

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Vision Statement

PSBA envisions itself to be globally recognized as the RIGHT SCHOOL FOR A COMPLETE BUSINESS EDUCATION

Mission Statement

PSBA assumes the responsibility to educate men and women so that they will become good citizens who will practice in their everyday life the true meaning of value-laden education and who will be able to co-exist in peace, friendship, and dignity with their fellowmen

Philosophy and Goals

PSBA aims to provide quality instruction, undertake and utilize research for sustainable development, serve the community, instill virtues and uphold lifelong learning.

Core Values

Our service should be worthy, vigorous, resourceful, courteous and reliable to make a difference in the quality of BUSINESS EDUCATION.

P – rofessionalism

S – ervice

B – usiness Acumen

A – ccountability

“Para Sa Bayan Ako”


© Philippine School of Business Administration